
Hello Everybody!👋😍

 My name is Devin and I will be giving a short introduction about myself 👀. I like to play basketball and watch the NBA 😊. I also like to watch TikTok during my free time as it is funny and lightens up my mood 😂😂. 

In this CP5070 (Chemical Product Design & Development) module, I look forward to new experiments such as Laser Cutting and Arduino Programming. My goal to achieve by the end of the module is to able to produce a quality chemical product and have fun with my groupmates whom are Brice👦, Ji Hinn👦and Yu Han👧.

To achieve my goals, I would have to been proactive in the group discussions and maintain a good relationship with my teammates. I will know whether I have accomplished this goal because, if I have, by the end of the semester, I will be sharing them with you in my final blog😊.


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